Friday, August 19, 2011


Fungi is the kingdom of Eukaryotic organisms that don't have vascular tissues and chlorophyll. Fungi can reproduce through its asexual pores and sexually produced pores or just through its asexual pores.Fungi reproduced by both asexual and sexually produced pores are called perfect fungi while fungi reproduced with only asexual pores is called imperfect fungi . An example of fungi would be the mushroom, Honey Fungus (Armillaria mellea)(above). this mushroom appears to have fallen off of the stem that was once connected to a tree.

Works Cited
Fungi. (June 15, 2008). Retrieved 8/19/2011, from

Fischer, D.W.F. (2006, 2007). The Basics of Mushroom Identifacation. Retrieved 8/19/2011, from           

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